System Designing

I have for a long time have made goals after goals and never considered system designing instead. Recently, however, I have recently read and reread Atomic Habits. After going through it twice I find myself thinking “That was a great book but… now what? How do I apply these changes? How do I design a … Read more

5 Mental Shifts to Dream Again

Recently I’ve made a concerted effort to regain my self-belief and make my own mental shifts. As a parent, I’ve come to realize the challenge of simultaneously encouraging my children to dream big while occasionally having to say “no” to their constant requests. I can relate to this because, as a child, I faced similar … Read more

Unlocking the Power of Anki

Hey there, fellow learners! Today, I want to share a little gem that’s been a game-changer in my educational journey – Anki. Now, I’ll be honest, my relationship with Anki has had its ups and downs, but when I use it the way it’s meant to be used, it’s nothing short of amazing. Anki: The … Read more